Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Three Percent Solution

The three percenters are gun owners
who have taken a stand. We will not
disarm, we will not obey further
gun legislation. more


Genie said...

Thanks, Rooster.

I don't have a patch, but I think I qualify as a "Threeper."

The Sipsey Street gang is great. Thanks for pointing me in their direction a while back. Nice to know they are in Alabama.

God bless America!

Shy Wolf said...

Rooster- get your patches and put them on everything you can think of cuz we're going to need to know who to NOT shoot at very soon. You can also find a link at
that's David Codrea's blog.
(It's also onmy blogsite if you find your way there.)

Shy Wolf said...

Also- sorry, didn't think of this till after... Van has a very interesting book out about the Sipsey Street Irregulars if you go far enough back in his blog.