Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Man Defends Self and Wife

One for the good guys.


Anonymous said...

Way to go.

USA_Admiral said...

That is a great story and the next time that remembrance may cross the mind of the thugs.

Anonymous said...

Now that is a good and honorable husband.

Melonie said...

Good for him! Now I've got chills.

Has anyone noticed this is happening more frequently with older folks? Maybe they are the ones who will succeed in reminding us as a society to stop putting up with these thugs ("those whipper-snappers!"). And yet day by day we lose more of "The Greatest Generation" and their self-sufficient ways.

Anonymous said...

Great story! I bet that wife is proud of her husband! Good for them.

One thing - how old is "elderly"? I couldn't help noticing that the article stated that they were shopping at WalMart at 11 pm. That's kind of unusual for "eldery" people, at least where I live, lol. It seems they usually go shopping early in the morning, and never after dark. I bet those idiots were thrilled to see what they thought was an easy target. Ha, that must have been some surprise!