If my memory serves me right, a number of years ago did'nt Barney Frank have a partner that lived in his house and ran a male dating business out of his home? This hand placement is of course also ignored by the Dem's. Ruth
A conservative gun lover and
lifetime sportsman from chatham county North Carolina. I am now spending
a great deal of time defending our 2nd Amendment
and our freedom.
If you are interested in
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class in Chatham County,
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can set something up.
Peter Puffer Barney Frank should become a target on this. He melted under the pressure that Bill O'Reilly put on him.
If my memory serves me right, a number of years ago did'nt Barney Frank have a partner that lived in his house and ran a male dating business out of his home? This hand placement is of course also ignored by the Dem's. Ruth
I belive your memory serves you
right Ruth.
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