Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bloomberg Wants Your Guns (Before Al Qaeda Gets Them)

This is truely a shameful and pathetic
move by Bloomberg...more


Euripides said...

Bloomberg is completely unhinged when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. How he got to be Mayor is beyond me. No. Wait. New Yorkers voted him into office....

LL said...

I'm sure that's what ALL Americans are thinking these days --

And let me take a moment to thank Barack Hussein Obama, who caused the sale of more civilian firearms in America than any other person.

Anonymous said...

Of course, in New York City today few can obtain a handgun permit anyway, leaving law abiding Citizens essentially unConstitutionally disarmed and at the mercy of lawless criminals. These criminals have no intention of obeying the law in the first place and therefore have no inhibitions against illegal firearm possession, after all, what’s the consequence when you’re a criminal? A 1-3 skid bid at an upstate country club? Pu-leeze! The prison system is a real joke of a consequence to that segment of society. They just don’t care because pussy-willow liberals like Bloomberg have made NY prisons into country club crime colleges that are more pleasant to many than the street. Notice Bloomberg says not a word about the lax prison system that does NOTHING to punish felons WHATSOEVER!

Obviously Bloomberg has taken up the globalist illuminati’s crusade against firearms and an armed Citizenry by dishing out anti-gun propaganda in lockstep with the marxist globalist United Nations. It’s also pretty obvious that Bloomberg and his new world order elite globalist friends know that the last hope of a free society is an armed Citizenry that a tyrannical out-of-control government must respect. Maybe that’s why they’re working so hard to spin every situation into an opportunity to disarm law abiding Citizens all across America.