Okay...how? How restrictive does it have to be until these progressives get their way? How many rights do they have to take away, until they claim we are save, and if so - from whom?
This is insane tyrannical thought, nothing less.
The crime is because the criminals have more rights than the citizens, which have been turned into subjects of the government to be protected.
I'm sure every single one of the "shooters" is a valid FOID holder and law abiding citizen. Yah,right! When are the Libs gonna figure out that CRIMINALS don't give a shit about gun control laws????
A conservative gun lover and
lifetime sportsman from chatham county North Carolina. I am now spending
a great deal of time defending our 2nd Amendment
and our freedom.
If you are interested in
concealed carry training
class in Chatham County,
send me an email and we
can set something up.
Okay...how? How restrictive does it have to be until these progressives get their way? How many rights do they have to take away, until they claim we are save, and if so - from whom?
This is insane tyrannical thought, nothing less.
The crime is because the criminals have more rights than the citizens, which have been turned into subjects of the government to be protected.
But King Richard promised to make the people safer by taking away their guns.But it did not work so well
I'm sure every single one of the "shooters" is a valid FOID holder and law abiding citizen. Yah,right! When are the Libs gonna figure out that CRIMINALS don't give a shit about gun control laws????
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